Tutorial List

Need a detailed walk through of what our packages allow you to do? Click on a package below, quickly install it and follow along. If you find a bug or have comments, drop us a note or open an issue in the appropriate package repository.

Package Description
antweb AntWeb data
aRxiv Access to arXiv text
assertr Assertive programming for R analysis pipelines
binomen Taxonomic class specification and parsing methods
bold Barcode data
brranching Phylogenies from many sources
ckanr General purpose R client for CKAN
convertr Convert Between Units
ecoengine Biodiversity data
elastic Elasticsearch R client
etseed etcd R client
europepmc Europe PubMed Central Web Service Client
fulltext Text mining client
gender Predict Gender from Names Using Historical Data
geojsonio GeoJSON/TopoJSON I/O
geojsonlint Tools for Validating GeoJSON
getlandsat Landsat 8 Data from Amazon Public Data Sets
gistr Work w/ GitHub Gists
gutenberger Public Domain Works from Project Gutenberg
historydata Datasets for Historians
hunspell Morphological Analysis and Spell Checker
internetarchive Internet Archive client
jqr Client for jq, a JSON processor
lawn Geospatial Analysis
magick Advanced Image-Processing in R
mapr Visualize Species Occurrence Data
monkeylearn Text analysis with Monkeylearn
mregions Marine Regions Data from Marineregions.org
musemeta Scrape museum metadata
neotoma Interface to the Neotoma Paleoecological Database
oai OAI-PMH Services Client
opencage Interface to OpenCage API for geocoding
originr Fetch Species Origin Data from the Web
osmplotr Customisable Images of OpenStreetMap Data
pangaear Client for the Pangaea Database
pdftools Extract Text and Data from PDF Documents
rAltmetric Altmetric.com client
rbhl Biodiversity Heritage Library Client
rbison Biodiversity data from USGS
rcrossref Crossref client
rdatacite Client for DataCite OAI-PMH & Search APIs
rdataretriever R Interface to the Data Retriever
rdpla Client for Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) API
rebird eBird client
rentrez Entrez client
rerddap ERDDAP client
rfishbase Fishbase.org client
rfisheries OpenFisheries.org client
rgbif GBIF biodiversity data
riem Weather Data from the Iowa Environment Mesonet
rinat Inaturalist data
ritis Integrated Taxonomic Information System Client
rnaturalearth Natural Earth map data
RNeXML Create/consume NeXML
rnoaa Client for many NOAA datasets
ropenaq Open Air Quality Data from OpenAQ
rorcid Interface to the Orcid.org API
rotl Interface to Open Tree of Life API
rredlist IUCN Red List Client
rplos PLOS text mining
RSelenium R client for Selenium Remote WebDriver
rsnps SNP data access
rvertnet VertNet.org biodiversity data
scrubr Clean Biological Occurrence Records
sofa CouchDB database client
solr SOLR database client
solrium SOLR database client - reboot of solr
spocc Biodiversity data one stop shop
tabulizer Bindings for Tabula PDF Table Extractor
taxize Taxonomic toolbelt
textreuse Detect Text Reuse and Document Similarity
tokenizers Consistent tokenizers for natural language text
traits Trait data
treebase EN PT

An R package for discovery, access and manipulation of online phylogenies

wellknown Well-known text <-> GeoJSON