Need a detailed walk through of what our packages allow you to do? Click on a package below, quickly install it and follow along. If you find a bug or have comments, drop us a note or open an issue in the appropriate package repository.
Package | Description |
antweb | AntWeb data |
aRxiv | Access to arXiv text |
assertr | Assertive programming for R analysis pipelines |
binomen | Taxonomic class specification and parsing methods |
bold | Barcode data |
brranching | Phylogenies from many sources |
ckanr | General purpose R client for CKAN |
convertr | Convert Between Units |
ecoengine | Biodiversity data |
elastic | Elasticsearch R client |
etseed | etcd R client |
europepmc | Europe PubMed Central Web Service Client |
fulltext | Text mining client |
gender | Predict Gender from Names Using Historical Data |
geojsonio | GeoJSON/TopoJSON I/O |
geojsonlint | Tools for Validating GeoJSON |
getlandsat | Landsat 8 Data from Amazon Public Data Sets |
gistr | Work w/ GitHub Gists |
gutenberger | Public Domain Works from Project Gutenberg |
historydata | Datasets for Historians |
hunspell | Morphological Analysis and Spell Checker |
internetarchive | Internet Archive client |
jqr | Client for jq, a JSON processor |
lawn | Geospatial Analysis |
magick | Advanced Image-Processing in R |
mapr | Visualize Species Occurrence Data |
monkeylearn | Text analysis with Monkeylearn |
mregions | Marine Regions Data from |
musemeta | Scrape museum metadata |
neotoma | Interface to the Neotoma Paleoecological Database |
oai | OAI-PMH Services Client |
opencage | Interface to OpenCage API for geocoding |
originr | Fetch Species Origin Data from the Web |
osmplotr | Customisable Images of OpenStreetMap Data |
pangaear | Client for the Pangaea Database |
pdftools | Extract Text and Data from PDF Documents |
rAltmetric | client |
rbhl | Biodiversity Heritage Library Client |
rbison | Biodiversity data from USGS |
rcrossref | Crossref client |
rdatacite | Client for DataCite OAI-PMH & Search APIs |
rdataretriever | R Interface to the Data Retriever |
rdpla | Client for Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) API |
rebird | eBird client |
rentrez | Entrez client |
rerddap | ERDDAP client |
rfishbase | client |
rfisheries | client |
rgbif | GBIF biodiversity data |
riem | Weather Data from the Iowa Environment Mesonet |
rinat | Inaturalist data |
ritis | Integrated Taxonomic Information System Client |
rnaturalearth | Natural Earth map data |
RNeXML | Create/consume NeXML |
rnoaa | Client for many NOAA datasets |
ropenaq | Open Air Quality Data from OpenAQ |
rorcid | Interface to the API |
rotl | Interface to Open Tree of Life API |
rredlist | IUCN Red List Client |
rplos | PLOS text mining |
RSelenium | R client for Selenium Remote WebDriver |
rsnps | SNP data access |
rvertnet | biodiversity data |
scrubr | Clean Biological Occurrence Records |
sofa | CouchDB database client |
solr | SOLR database client |
solrium | SOLR database client - reboot of solr |
spocc | Biodiversity data one stop shop |
tabulizer | Bindings for Tabula PDF Table Extractor |
taxize | Taxonomic toolbelt |
textreuse | Detect Text Reuse and Document Similarity |
tokenizers | Consistent tokenizers for natural language text |
traits | Trait data |
treebase EN PT |
An R package for discovery, access and manipulation of online phylogenies |
wellknown | Well-known text <-> GeoJSON |