rfisheries tutorial
for v0.2
This package provides programmatic access to the openfisheries API.
Open Fisheries is a platform that aggregates global fishery data and currently offers global fish capture landings from 1950 onwards (more data coming soon). Read more about that effort here.
Development version
if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")
Package currently provides three basic functions. Landings data can be obtained by calling landings()
head( of_landings() )
#> year catch
#> 1 1950 19338720
#> 2 1951 21916019
#> 3 1952 23493159
#> 4 1953 23785210
#> 5 1954 25539010
#> 6 1955 27073942
To get country specific data, provide a iso3c country code
head( of_landings(country = "USA") )
#> year catch country
#> 1 1950 636713 USA
#> 2 1951 745288 USA
#> 3 1952 827424 USA
#> 4 1953 788206 USA
#> 5 1954 861787 USA
#> 6 1955 852199 USA
To get species specific landings, provide the correct a3 code for the required species.
head( of_landings(species = "SKJ") )
#> year catch species
#> 1 1950 362912 SKJ
#> 2 1951 335962 SKJ
#> 3 1952 382990 SKJ
#> 4 1953 370873 SKJ
#> 5 1954 402979 SKJ
#> 6 1955 439842 SKJ
If you don’t have know the correct species or country codes, you can get a complete list with the following two functions.
head( species_codes() )
scientific_name taxocode a3_code isscaap
1 Petromyzon marinus 1020100101 LAU 25
2 Lampetra fluviatilis 1020100201 LAR 25
3 Lampetra tridentata 1020100202 LAO 25
4 Ichthyomyzon unicuspis 1020100401 LAY 25
5 Eudontomyzon mariae 1020100501 LAF 25
6 Geotria australis 1020100701 LAE 25
1 Sea lamprey
2 River lamprey
3 Pacific lamprey
4 Silver lamprey
5 Ukrainian brook lamprey
6 Pouched lamprey
Similarly you can get a full list of country codes
head( of_country_codes() )
#> country iso3c
#> 1 Afghanistan AFG
#> 2 Albania ALB
#> 3 Algeria DZA
#> 4 American Samoa ASM
#> 5 Andorra AND
#> 6 Angola AGO
Example: Compare landings from multiple countries
countries <- of_country_codes()
# let's take a small subset, say 5 random countries
c_list <- countries[sample(nrow(countries), 5),]$iso3c
# and grab landings data for these countries
results <- ldply(c_list, function(x) {
df <- of_landings(country = x)
df$country <- x
You can easily compare these results
ggplot(results, aes(year, catch, group = country, color = country)) +
Similarly you can get landings data for multiple species. As the API evolves, we’ll update the package.
To cite rfisheries
in publications use:
Karthik Ram, Carl Boettiger and Andrew Dyck (2016). rfisheries: ‘Programmatic Interface to the ‘openfisheries.org’ API’. R package version 0.2. https://github.com/ropensci/rfisheries
License and bugs
- License: MIT
- Report bugs at our Github repo for rfisheries