traits tutorial

for v0.3.0


Install and load traits into the R session. Stable version from CRAN


Or development version from Github:

if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")



Get trait data for Willow (Salix spp.)

(salix <- betydb_search("Salix Vcmax"))
#> # A tibble: 14 x 36
#>    access_level       author checked citation_id citation_year  city
#>  *        <int>        <chr>   <int>       <int>         <int> <chr>
#>  1            4 Wullschleger       1          51          1993  <NA>
#>  2            4         Wang       1         381          2010  <NA>
#>  3            4       Merilo       1         430          2005 Saare
#>  4            4       Merilo       1         430          2005 Saare
#>  5            4       Merilo       1         430          2005 Saare
#>  6            4       Merilo       1         430          2005 Saare
#>  7            4       Merilo       1         430          2005 Saare
#>  8            4       Merilo       1         430          2005 Saare
#>  9            4       Merilo       1         430          2005 Saare
#> 10            4       Merilo       1         430          2005 Saare
#> 11            4       Merilo       1         430          2005 Saare
#> 12            4       Merilo       1         430          2005 Saare
#> 13            4       Merilo       1         430          2005 Saare
#> 14            4       Merilo       1         430          2005 Saare
#> # ... with 30 more variables: commonname <chr>, cultivar <chr>,
#> #   cultivar_id <int>, date <chr>, dateloc <chr>, entity <lgl>,
#> #   genus <chr>, id <int>, lat <dbl>, lon <dbl>, mean <dbl>,
#> #   method_name <lgl>, month <int>, n <int>, notes <chr>, raw_date <chr>,
#> #   result_type <chr>, scientificname <chr>, site_id <int>,
#> #   sitename <chr>, species_id <int>, stat <dbl>, statname <chr>,
#> #   time <chr>, trait <chr>, trait_description <chr>, treatment <chr>,
#> #   treatment_id <int>, units <chr>, year <int>
# equivalent:
# (out <- betydb_search("willow"))

Summarise data from the output data.frame

salix %>%
  group_by(scientificname, trait) %>%
  mutate(.mean = as.numeric(mean)) %>%
  summarise(mean = round(mean(.mean, na.rm = TRUE), 2),
            min = round(min(.mean, na.rm = TRUE), 2),
            max = round(max(.mean, na.rm = TRUE), 2),
            n = length(n))
#>    mean   min   max  n
#> 1 48.06 19.99 79.28 14

NCBI sequence data

Get sequences by id

ncbi_byid(ids = "360040093")
#>                  taxon
#> 1 Eristalis transversa
#>                                                                                                             gene_desc
#> 1 Eristalis transversa voucher CNC:Diptera:102013 cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene, partial cds; mitochondrial
#>       gi_no     acc_no length
#> 1 360040093 JN991986.1    658
#>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             sequence
#> 1 tactttatattttgtatttggaacatgagcgggtatagtaggaacttcattaagaattttaattcgagctgaattaggtcatccaggtgcattaattggtgatgatcaaatttataatgttattgtaacagctcatgcttttgttataattttttttatagtaatacctattataattggaggatttggaaattgattagtaccacttatattaggagctccagatatagcattccctcgaataaataatataagtttctgattattacctccttctttaactctattattagtaagaagtatagtagaaaatggggctggaacaggatgaacagtttatcctccattatcaagtaatattgcacatggaggagcctcagttgatttagcaattttttcacttcacttatcaggaatatcatctattttaggtgcagtaaattttattacaacagttattaatatacgatcaacaggaattacttatgatcgtatacctttatttgtttgatctgttgctattacagctttattattattattatcattaccagtactagcaggagctattacaatattattaactgatcgaaatttaaatacatcattctttgatccagcaggaggaggagaccctatcctgtaccaacacttattc

Get sequences searching by taxonomic name

out <- ncbi_searcher(taxa = "Umbra limi", seqrange = "1:2000")
#>        taxon length
#> 1 Umbra limi    761
#> 2 Umbra limi    765
#> 3 Umbra limi    764
#> 4 Umbra limi    743
#> 5 Umbra limi    758
#>                                                                                          gene_desc
#> 1                                  Umbra limi voucher NXG2012264 rhodopsin (Rho) gene, partial cds
#> 2                                   Umbra limi voucher NXG201250 rhodopsin (Rho) gene, partial cds
#> 3                                  Umbra limi voucher NXG2012183 rhodopsin (Rho) gene, partial cds
#> 4                                   Umbra limi voucher NXG201252 rhodopsin (Rho) gene, partial cds
#> 5                                  Umbra limi voucher NXG2012231 rhodopsin (Rho) gene, partial cds
#>     acc_no      gi_no
#> 1 KX146134 1049488959
#> 2 KX146015 1049488721
#> 3 KX145969 1049488629
#> 4 KX145777 1049488245
#> 5 KX145759 1049488209
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 1 row ]

EOL’s Traitbank data

Note that EOL’s Traitbank does not allow us to search by trait. The only interface we have is to search by taxon page ID.

Searching for Potus flavus, page id 328574

res <- traitbank(pageid = 328574)
res$graph %>%
         dwc.measurementvalue) %>%


Get the species list and their ids

#> # A tibble: 1,548 x 2
#>                          name    id
#>                         <chr> <chr>
#>  1        Acanthastrea brevis     3
#>  2      Acanthastrea echinata     4
#>  3     Acanthastrea hemprichi     6
#>  4 Acanthastrea ishigakiensis     8
#>  5     Acanthastrea regularis    12
#>  6  Acanthastrea rotundoflora    13
#>  7   Acanthastrea subechinata    14
#>  8     Acropora abrolhosensis    16
#>  9      Acropora abrotanoides    17
#> 10           Acropora aculeus    18
#> # ... with 1,538 more rows

Get data by taxon

#> # A tibble: 3,540 x 25
#>    observation_id access user_id specie_id         specie_name location_id
#>             <int>  <int>   <int>     <int>               <chr>       <int>
#>  1         157133      1      10        80 Acropora hyacinthus           1
#>  2         156961      1      14        80 Acropora hyacinthus         409
#>  3           5781      1       1        80 Acropora hyacinthus           1
#>  4         156610      1       2        80 Acropora hyacinthus         500
#>  5         158118      1      10        80 Acropora hyacinthus         409
#>  6         119211      1      49        80 Acropora hyacinthus           1
#>  7         158211      1      10        80 Acropora hyacinthus         413
#>  8          90294      1      15        80 Acropora hyacinthus         341
#>  9          90294      1      15        80 Acropora hyacinthus         341
#> 10          90294      1      15        80 Acropora hyacinthus         341
#> # ... with 3,530 more rows, and 19 more variables: location_name <chr>,
#> #   latitude <dbl>, longitude <dbl>, resource_id <int>,
#> #   resource_secondary_id <int>, measurement_id <int>, trait_id <int>,
#> #   trait_name <chr>, standard_id <int>, standard_unit <chr>,
#> #   methodology_id <int>, methodology_name <chr>, value <chr>,
#> #   value_type <chr>, precision <dbl>, precision_type <chr>,
#> #   precision_upper <dbl>, replicates <int>, notes <chr>

Get data by trait

#> # A tibble: 0 x 25
#> # ... with 25 variables: observation_id <lgl>, access <lgl>,
#> #   user_id <lgl>, specie_id <lgl>, specie_name <lgl>, location_id <lgl>,
#> #   location_name <lgl>, latitude <lgl>, longitude <lgl>,
#> #   resource_id <lgl>, resource_secondary_id <lgl>, measurement_id <lgl>,
#> #   trait_id <lgl>, trait_name <lgl>, standard_id <lgl>,
#> #   standard_unit <lgl>, methodology_id <lgl>, methodology_name <lgl>,
#> #   value <lgl>, value_type <lgl>, precision <lgl>, precision_type <lgl>,
#> #   precision_upper <lgl>, replicates <lgl>, notes <lgl>

Birdlife International

Habitat data

#>         id Habitat (level 1)                  Habitat (level 2) Importance
#> 1 22721692            Forest           Subtropical/Tropical Dry   suitable
#> 2 22721692            Forest Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane      major
#> 3 22721692            Forest                          Temperate   suitable
#> 4 22721692         Shrubland Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude   suitable
#>     Occurrence
#> 1     breeding
#> 2 non-breeding
#> 3     breeding
#> 4     breeding

Threats data

#>         id                                                  threat1
#> 1 22721692                                Agriculture & aquaculture
#> 2 22721692                                Agriculture & aquaculture
#> 3 22721692                                  Biological resource use
#>                               threat2
#> 1 Annual & perennial non-timber crops
#> 2 Annual & perennial non-timber crops
#> 3           Logging & wood harvesting
#>                                      stresses
#> 1 Ecosystem degradation, Ecosystem conversion
#> 2 Ecosystem degradation, Ecosystem conversion
#> 3                       Ecosystem degradation
#>                                                     timing
#> 1                                Agriculture & aquaculture
#> 2                                Agriculture & aquaculture
#> 3                                  Biological resource use
#>                                 scope severity  impact
#> 1 Annual & perennial non-timber crops  Ongoing Ongoing
#> 2 Annual & perennial non-timber crops  Ongoing Ongoing
#> 3           Logging & wood harvesting  Ongoing Ongoing
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 3 rows ]


To cite traits in publications use:

Scott Chamberlain, Zachary Foster, Ignasi Bartomeus, David LeBauer and David Harris (2017). traits: Species Trait Data from Around the Web. R package version 0.3.0.

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