binomen tutorial

for v0.1.0

binomen provides various taxonomic classes for defining a single taxon, multiple taxa, and a taxonomic data.frame

It is sort of a companion to taxize, where you can get taxonomic data on taxonomic names from the web.

The classes (S3):

  • taxon
  • taxonref
  • taxonrefs
  • binomial
  • grouping (i.e., classification)

The verbs:

  • gethier() - get hierarchy from a taxon class
  • scatter() - make each row in taxonomic data.frame (taxondf) a separate taxon object within a single taxa object
  • assemble() - make a taxa object into a taxondf data.frame
  • pick() - pick out one or more taxonomic groups
  • pop() - pop out (drop) one or more taxonomic groups
  • span() - pick a range between two taxonomic groups (inclusive)
  • strain() - filter by taxonomic groups, like dplyr’s filter
  • name() - get the taxon name for each taxonref object
  • uri() - get the reference uri for each taxonref object
  • rank() - get the taxonomic rank for each taxonref object
  • id() - get the reference uri for each taxonref object


Install and load binomen into the R session. Stable version from CRAN


Or development version from Github:



Make a taxon

Make a taxon object

(obj <- make_taxon(genus="Poa", epithet="annua", authority="L.",
  family='Poaceae', clazz='Poales', kingdom='Plantae', variety='annua'))
#> <taxon>
#>   binomial: Poa annua
#>   grouping: 
#>     kingdom: Plantae
#>     clazz: Poales
#>     family: Poaceae
#>     genus: Poa
#>     species: Poa annua
#>     variety: annua

Index to various parts of the object

The binomial

#> <binomial>
#>   genus: Poa
#>   epithet: annua
#>   canonical: Poa annua
#>   species: Poa annua L.
#>   authority: L.

The authority

#> [1] "L."

The classification

#> <grouping>
#>   kingdom: Plantae
#>   clazz: Poales
#>   family: Poaceae
#>   genus: Poa
#>   species: Poa annua
#>   variety: annua

The family

#> <taxonref>
#>   rank: family
#>   name: Poaceae
#>   id: none
#>   uri: none

Subset taxon objects

Get one or more ranks via pick()

obj %>% pick(family)
#> <taxon>
#>   binomial: Poa annua
#>   grouping: 
#>     family: Poaceae
obj %>% pick(family, genus)
#> <taxon>
#>   binomial: Poa annua
#>   grouping: 
#>     family: Poaceae
#>     genus: Poa

Drop one or more ranks via pop()

obj %>% pop(family)
#> <taxon>
#>   binomial: Poa annua
#>   grouping: 
#>     kingdom: Plantae
#>     clazz: Poales
#>     genus: Poa
#>     species: Poa annua
#>     variety: annua
obj %>% pop(family, genus)
#> <taxon>
#>   binomial: Poa annua
#>   grouping: 
#>     kingdom: Plantae
#>     clazz: Poales
#>     species: Poa annua
#>     variety: annua

Get a range of ranks via span()

obj %>% span(kingdom, family)
#> <taxon>
#>   binomial: Poa annua
#>   grouping: 
#>     kingdom: Plantae
#>     clazz: Poales
#>     family: Poaceae

Extract classification as a data.frame

#>      rank      name
#> 1 kingdom   Plantae
#> 2   clazz    Poales
#> 3  family   Poaceae
#> 4   genus       Poa
#> 5 species Poa annua
#> 6 variety     annua

Taxonomic data.frame’s

Make one

df <- data.frame(order = c('Asterales','Asterales','Fagales','Poales','Poales','Poales'),
  family = c('Asteraceae','Asteraceae','Fagaceae','Poaceae','Poaceae','Poaceae'),
  genus = c('Helianthus','Helianthus','Quercus','Poa','Festuca','Holodiscus'),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
(df2 <- taxon_df(df))
#>       order     family      genus
#> 1 Asterales Asteraceae Helianthus
#> 2 Asterales Asteraceae Helianthus
#> 3   Fagales   Fagaceae    Quercus
#> 4    Poales    Poaceae        Poa
#> 5    Poales    Poaceae    Festuca
#> 6    Poales    Poaceae Holodiscus

Parse - get rank order via pick()

df2 %>% pick(order)
#>       order
#> 1 Asterales
#> 2 Asterales
#> 3   Fagales
#> 4    Poales
#> 5    Poales
#> 6    Poales

get ranks order, family, and genus via pick()

df2 %>% pick(order, family, genus)
#>       order     family      genus
#> 1 Asterales Asteraceae Helianthus
#> 2 Asterales Asteraceae Helianthus
#> 3   Fagales   Fagaceae    Quercus
#> 4    Poales    Poaceae        Poa
#> 5    Poales    Poaceae    Festuca
#> 6    Poales    Poaceae Holodiscus

get range of names via span(), from rank X to rank Y

df2 %>% span(family, genus)
#>       family      genus
#> 1 Asteraceae Helianthus
#> 2 Asteraceae Helianthus
#> 3   Fagaceae    Quercus
#> 4    Poaceae        Poa
#> 5    Poaceae    Festuca
#> 6    Poaceae Holodiscus

Separate each row into a taxon class (many taxon objects are a taxa class)

#> [[1]]
#> <taxon>
#>   binomial: Helianthus none
#>   grouping: 
#>     order: Asterales
#>     family: Asteraceae
#>     genus: Helianthus
#>     species: Helianthus none
#> [[2]]
#> <taxon>
#>   binomial: Helianthus none
#>   grouping: 
#>     order: Asterales
#>     family: Asteraceae
#>     genus: Helianthus
#>     species: Helianthus none
#> [[3]]
#> <taxon>

And you can re-assemble a data.frame from the output of scatter() with assemble()

out <- scatter(df2)
#>       order     family      genus         species
#> 1 Asterales Asteraceae Helianthus Helianthus none
#> 2 Asterales Asteraceae Helianthus Helianthus none
#> 3   Fagales   Fagaceae    Quercus    Quercus none
#> 4    Poales    Poaceae        Poa        Poa none
#> 5    Poales    Poaceae    Festuca    Festuca none
#> 6    Poales    Poaceae Holodiscus Holodiscus none


To cite binomen in publications use:

Scott Chamberlain (2016). binomen: ‘Taxonomic’ Specification and Parsing Methods.

License and bugs

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