monkeylearn tutorial
for v0.1.3
This package is an interface to the MonkeyLearn API. MonkeyLearn is a Machine Learning platform on the cloud that allows software companies and developers to easily extract actionable data from text.
The goal of the package is not to support machine learning algorithms development with R or the API, but only to reap the benefits of the existing modules on Monkeylearn. Therefore, there are only two functions, one for using extractors, and one for using classifiers. The difference between extractors and classifiers is that extractors output information about words, whereas classifiers output information about each text as a whole. Named entity recognition is an extraction task, whereas assigning a topic to a text is a classification task.
To get an API key for MonkeyLearn, register at Note that MonkeyLearn supports registration through GitHub, which makes the registration process really easy. The free API key provides up to 100,000 requests a month For ease of use, save your API key as an environment variable as described at
Both functions of the package will conveniently look for your API key using Sys.getenv("MONKEYLEARN_KEY")
so if your API key is an environment variable called “MONKEYLEARN_KEY” you don’t need to input it manually.
CRAN version
Development version from GitHub
if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")
A first example
text <- "In the 19th century, the major European powers had gone to great lengths to maintain a balance of power throughout Europe, resulting in the existence of a complex network of political and military alliances throughout the continent by 1900.[7] These had started in 1815, with the Holy Alliance between Prussia, Russia, and Austria. Then, in October 1873, German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck negotiated the League of the Three Emperors (German: Dreikaiserbund) between the monarchs of Austria-Hungary, Russia and Germany."
output <- monkeylearn_extract(request = text,
extractor_id = "ex_isnnZRbS")
#> count tag entity text_md5
#> 1 1 LOCATION Europe 95132b831aa7a4ba1a666b93490b3c9c
#> 2 1 LOCATION Prussia 95132b831aa7a4ba1a666b93490b3c9c
#> 3 1 LOCATION Austria-Hungary 95132b831aa7a4ba1a666b93490b3c9c
#> 4 1 LOCATION Austria 95132b831aa7a4ba1a666b93490b3c9c
#> 5 1 LOCATION Germany 95132b831aa7a4ba1a666b93490b3c9c
#> 6 1 PERSON Otto von Bismarck 95132b831aa7a4ba1a666b93490b3c9c
#> 7 2 LOCATION Russia 95132b831aa7a4ba1a666b93490b3c9c
attr(output, "headers")
#> # A tibble: 1 x 11
#> server date content.type
#> <fctr> <fctr> <fctr>
#> 1 nginx/1.11.5 Tue, 17 Oct 2017 16:38:10 GMT application/json
#> # ... with 8 more variables: transfer.encoding <fctr>, connection <fctr>,
#> # x.query.limit.limit <fctr>, x.query.limit.remaining <fctr>,
#> # x.query.limit.request.queries <fctr>, allow <fctr>,
#> # content.encoding <fctr>, text_md5 <list>
If the documentation of the extractor you use states it has parameters, you can pass them as a named list, see below.
text <- "A panel of Goldman Sachs employees spent a recent Tuesday night at the
Columbia University faculty club trying to convince a packed room of potential
recruits that Wall Street, not Silicon Valley, was the place to be for computer
scientists.\n\n The Goldman employees knew they had an uphill battle. They were
fighting against perceptions of Wall Street as boring and regulation-bound and
Silicon Valley as the promised land of flip-flops, beanbag chairs and million-dollar
stock options.\n\n Their argument to the room of technologically inclined students
was that Wall Street was where they could find far more challenging, diverse and,
yes, lucrative jobs working on some of the worlds most difficult technical problems.\n\n
Whereas in other opportunities you might be considering, it is working one type of data
or one type of application, we deal in hundreds of products in hundreds of markets, with
thousands or tens of thousands of clients, every day, millions of times of day worldwide,
Afsheen Afshar, a managing director at Goldman Sachs, told the students."
output <- monkeylearn_extract(text,
extractor_id = "ex_y7BPYzNG",
params = list(max_keywords = 3))
#> count relevance positions_in_text keyword
#> 1 3 0.978 164, 341, 568 Wall Street
#> 2 2 0.652 181, 389 Silicon Valley
#> 3 0 0.543 million-dollar stock options
#> text_md5
#> 1 c52e4d898bf4009ba347820c86275973
#> 2 c52e4d898bf4009ba347820c86275973
#> 3 c52e4d898bf4009ba347820c86275973
output2 <- monkeylearn_extract(text,
extractor_id = "ex_y7BPYzNG",
params = list(max_keywords = 1))
#> count relevance positions_in_text keyword
#> 1 3 0.978 164, 341, 568 Wall Street
#> text_md5
#> 1 c52e4d898bf4009ba347820c86275973
attr(output2, "headers")
#> # A tibble: 1 x 11
#> server date content.type
#> <fctr> <fctr> <fctr>
#> 1 nginx/1.11.5 Tue, 17 Oct 2017 16:38:10 GMT application/json
#> # ... with 8 more variables: transfer.encoding <fctr>, connection <fctr>,
#> # x.query.limit.limit <fctr>, x.query.limit.remaining <fctr>,
#> # x.query.limit.request.queries <fctr>, allow <fctr>,
#> # content.encoding <fctr>, text_md5 <list>
How to find extractors?
You can find extractors and their IDs, including extractors for text in Spanish, at
There is no endpoint for automatically finding all extractors, but if you find one in the website you particularly like and use a lot in your language and application, you could choose to save its id as an environment variable as explained here. Reading about extractors on the website will give you a good overview of their characteristics and original application.
Here are a few ones for text in English:
Entity extractor,
extractor_id = "ex_isnnZRbS"
(used in the first example). Extract Entities from text using Named Entity Recognition (NER). NER labels sequences of words in a text which are the names of things, such as person and company names. This implementation labels 3 classes: PERSON, ORGANIZATION and LOCATION. This NER tagger is implemented using Conditional Random Field (CRF) sequence models. -
Keyword extractor,
extractor_id = "ex_y7BPYzNG"
. Extract keywords from text in English. Keywords can be compounded by one or more words and are defined as the important topics in your content and can be used to index data, generate tag clouds or for searching. This keyword extraction algorithm employs statistical algorithms and natural language processing technology to analyze your content and identify the relevant keywords.
text <- "A panel of Goldman Sachs employees spent a recent Tuesday night at the Columbia University faculty club trying to convince a packed room of potential recruits that Wall Street, not Silicon Valley, was the place to be for computer scientists.
The Goldman employees knew they had an uphill battle. They were fighting against perceptions of Wall Street as boring and regulation-bound and Silicon Valley as the promised land of flip-flops, beanbag chairs and million-dollar stock options.
Their argument to the room of technologically inclined students was that Wall Street was where they could find far more challenging, diverse and, yes, lucrative jobs working on some of the world’s most difficult technical problems.
“Whereas in other opportunities you might be considering, it is working one type of data or one type of application, we deal in hundreds of products in hundreds of markets, with thousands or tens of thousands of clients, every day, millions of times of day worldwide,” Afsheen Afshar, a managing director at Goldman Sachs, told the students."
output <- monkeylearn_extract(request = text,
extractor_id = "ex_y7BPYzNG")
#> count relevance positions_in_text keyword
#> 1 3 0.978 164, 339, 560 Wall Street
#> 2 2 0.652 181, 386 Silicon Valley
#> 3 1 0.543 456 million-dollar stock options
#> 4 1 0.543 11 Goldman Sachs employees
#> 5 1 0.543 80 University faculty club
#> 6 1 0.543 43 recent Tuesday night
#> 7 1 0.543 689 difficult technical problems
#> 8 2 0.435 898, 919 thousands
#> 9 2 0.435 796, 816 type
#> 10 2 0.435 848, 872 hundreds
#> text_md5
#> 1 06674f3b0fc7a6135c0afb3e8b5f87f1
#> 2 06674f3b0fc7a6135c0afb3e8b5f87f1
#> 3 06674f3b0fc7a6135c0afb3e8b5f87f1
#> 4 06674f3b0fc7a6135c0afb3e8b5f87f1
#> 5 06674f3b0fc7a6135c0afb3e8b5f87f1
#> 6 06674f3b0fc7a6135c0afb3e8b5f87f1
#> 7 06674f3b0fc7a6135c0afb3e8b5f87f1
#> 8 06674f3b0fc7a6135c0afb3e8b5f87f1
#> 9 06674f3b0fc7a6135c0afb3e8b5f87f1
#> 10 06674f3b0fc7a6135c0afb3e8b5f87f1
- Useful data extractor,
extractor_id = "ex_dqRio5sG"
. Extract useful data from text. This algorithm can be used to detect many different useful data: links, phones, ips, prices, times, emails, bitcoin addresses, dates, ipv6s, hex colors and credit cards.
When using this extractor, the format of the API output is a bit different than for other extractors, see below how the output looks like.
text <- "Hi, my email is and my credit card is 4242-4242-4242-4242 so you can charge me with $10. My phone number is 15555 9876. We can get in touch on April 16, at 10:00am"
text2 <- "Hi, my email is and my credit card is 4242-4232-4242-4242. My phone number is 16655 9876. We can get in touch on April 16, at 10:00am"
output <- monkeylearn_extract(request = c(text, text2),
extractor_id = "ex_dqRio5sG")
#> dates links phones ipv6s hex_colors ips
#> 1 April 16, 15555 9876 NULL NULL NULL
#> 2 April 16, 16655 9876 NULL NULL NULL
#> credit_cards prices times emails bitcoin_addresses
#> 1 4242-4242-4242-4242 $10 10:00am NULL
#> 2 4242-4232-4242-4242 10:00am NULL
#> text_md5
#> 1 8c2b65bfca064616356c6a2cae2f5519
#> 2 c97eba30f94868ba6b7c3d250f59133a
A first example
text1 <- "my dog is an avid rice eater"
text2 <- "i want to buy an iphone"
request <- c(text1, text2)
classifier_id = "cl_oFKL5wft")
#> # A tibble: 6 x 4
#> category_id probability label
#> <int> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 18313097 0.130 Pets
#> 2 18313108 0.239 Dogs
#> 3 18313113 0.082 Dog Food
#> 4 18314739 0.113 Cell Phones
#> 5 18314740 0.186 Accessories
#> 6 18314741 0.094 Cases & Protectors
#> # ... with 1 more variables: text_md5 <chr>
How to find classifiers?
You can find classifiers and their IDs at or you can use the monkeylearn_classifiers
function, choosing to show all classifiers or only the private ones with private = TRUE
. The first column of the resulting data.frame is the classifier_id
to be used in monkeylearn_classify
monkeylearn_classifiers(private = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 41 x 19
#> classifier_id name
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 cl_sGdE8hD9 NPS SaaS Product Feedback Classifier
#> 2 cl_T7XMb74S IAB Taxonomy Classifier
#> 3 cl_nLW3yR6m Telcos - Customer Support Ticket Classifier
#> 4 cl_4LqLD7cN Telcos - Customer Complaint Classifier (Twitter)
#> 5 cl_rtdVEb8p Telcos - Sentiment analysis (Facebook)
#> 6 cl_szya8upj Telcos - Customer Complaint Classifier (Facebook)
#> 7 cl_uEzzFRHh Telcos - Needs Help Detection (Facebook)
#> 8 cl_zSDSt8QP Outbound Sales Response Classifier
#> 9 cl_nuBGDNiN Startup News - Industry Classifier
#> 10 cl_GhPhiVYE E-commerce Customer Support Ticket Classifier
#> # ... with 31 more rows, and 17 more variables: description <chr>,
#> # train_state <chr>, train_job_id <lgl>, language <chr>,
#> # ngram_range <chr>, use_stemmer <lgl>, stop_words <chr>,
#> # max_features <int>, strip_stopwords <lgl>, is_multilabel <lgl>,
#> # is_twitter_data <lgl>, normalize_weights <lgl>, classifier <chr>,
#> # industry <chr>, classifier_type <chr>, text_type <chr>,
#> # permissions <chr>
For instance, for doing sentiment analysis in French, one could extract all classifiers and then look at classifiers containing the word “sentiment” in their name and “fr” as language.
classifiers <- monkeylearn_classifiers(private = FALSE)
classifiers_sentiment_french <- dplyr::filter(classifiers,
grepl("[Ss]entiment", name), language == "fr")
Here are a few other examples:
- Language detection,
classifier_id = "cl_oJNMkt2V"
. Detect language in text. New languages were added for a total of 48 different languages arranged in language families.
text1 <- "Hauràs de dirigir-te al punt de trobada del grup al que et vulguis unir."
text2 <- "i want to buy an iphone"
text3 <- "Je déteste ne plus avoir de dentifrice."
request <- c(text1, text2, text3)
classifier_id = "cl_oJNMkt2V")
#> # A tibble: 5 x 4
#> category_id probability label text_md5
#> <int> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 2324978 1.000 Italic e8d671fbd9d74e6fc58e6d5a34025534
#> 2 2324979 1.000 Catalan-ca e8d671fbd9d74e6fc58e6d5a34025534
#> 3 2325016 0.686 Vietnamese-vi af5c621a49a008f6e6a0d5ad47f2e1f4
#> 4 2324978 1.000 Italic d3b4ce291cfb147a8246f71e0534c7c8
#> 5 2324980 1.000 French-fr d3b4ce291cfb147a8246f71e0534c7c8
- Profanity and abuse detection,
classifier_id = "cl_KFXhoTdt"
text1 <- "I think this is awesome."
text2 <- "Holy shit! You did great!"
request <- c(text1, text2)
classifier_id = "cl_KFXhoTdt")
#> # A tibble: 2 x 4
#> category_id probability label text_md5
#> <int> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 22375077 0.803 clean 641e443d9485034d30fec6c36d67d4cd
#> 2 22375076 0.997 profanity 2b9e3eb08b256277e4c2b3dfcc8d5c75
- General topic classifier,
classifier_id = "cl_5icAVzKR"
text1 <- "Let me tell you about my dog and my cat. They are really friendly and like going on walks. They both like chasing mice."
text2 <- "My first R package was probably a disaster but I keep learning how to program."
request <- c(text1, text2)
classifier_id = "cl_5icAVzKR")
#> # A tibble: 5 x 4
#> category_id probability label
#> <int> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 64600 0.894 Animals
#> 2 64608 0.649 Mammals
#> 3 64611 0.869 Land Mammals
#> 4 64638 0.240 Computers & Internet
#> 5 64640 0.252 Internet
#> # ... with 1 more variables: text_md5 <chr>
Check the number of remaining calls
After each call to a function you can check how many calls to the API you can still make using attr(output, "headers")$x.query.limit.remaining
and attr(output, "headers")$x.query.limit.limit
. The period after which attr(output, "headers")$x.query.limit.remaining
depends on your subscription and is not included in the output.
Maëlle Salmon (2017). monkeylearn: Accesses the Monkeylearn API for Text Classifiers and Extractors. R package version 0.1.3.
License and bugs
- License: MIT
- Report bugs at our GitHub repo for monkeylearn