rbison tutorial

for v0.5.4

rbison is an R package to search and retrieve data from the USGS BISON service. rbison wraps R code around the BISON API to allow you to talk to the BISON database from R.

BISON has occurrence data for the US only.

BISON is a node of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) - i.e., you can get data that’s available in BISON via GBIF instead if you want.


See http://bison.usgs.ornl.gov/doc/api.jsp for API docs for the BISON API.



Or development version from GitHub



Notice that the function bisonmap automagically selects the map extent to plot for you, being one of the contiguous lower 48 states, or the lower 48 plus AK and HI, or a global map. If some or all points outside the US, a global map is drawn, and throws a warning. You may want to make sure the occurrence lat/long coordinates are correct.

Get data

out <- bison(species = "Helianthus annuus", count = 10)

Inspect summary

#>   occurrences.legend.living occurrences.legend.observation
#> 1                         6                            746
#>   occurrences.legend.centroid occurrences.legend.specimen
#> 1                           1                        3709
#>   occurrences.legend.unknown living observation centroid specimen unknown
#> 1                       1521      6         746        1     3709    1521

Map occurrences

#>   record_id total      county_name        state
#> 1     39075     1    Holmes County         Ohio
#> 2     42003     1 Allegheny County Pennsylvania
#> 3     40063     1    Hughes County     Oklahoma
#> 4     39077     1     Huron County         Ohio
#> 5     17043     2    DuPage County     Illinois
#> 6     40067     2 Jefferson County     Oklahoma

All points within the US (including AK and HI)

Get data

out <- bison(species="Bison bison", count=600)
#> Error: Bad Request (HTTP 400).

Inspect summary

#>   occurrences.legend.living occurrences.legend.observation
#> 1                         6                            746
#>   occurrences.legend.centroid occurrences.legend.specimen
#> 1                           1                        3709
#>   occurrences.legend.unknown living observation centroid specimen unknown
#> 1                       1521      6         746        1     3709    1521

Map occurrences

bisonmap(out, tomap="state")

plot of chunk six

All points within the contiguous 48 states

Get data

out <- bison(species="Aquila chrysaetos", count=600)
#> Error: Bad Request (HTTP 400).

Inspect summary

#>   occurrences.legend.living occurrences.legend.observation
#> 1                         6                            746
#>   occurrences.legend.centroid occurrences.legend.specimen
#> 1                           1                        3709
#>   occurrences.legend.unknown living observation centroid specimen unknown
#> 1                       1521      6         746        1     3709    1521

Map occurrences

bisonmap(out, tomap="points")

plot of chunk nine

Plot county or state

With any data returned from a bison call, you can choose to plot county or state level data

Counties - using last data call for Aquila

bisonmap(out, tomap="county")

plot of chunk ten

States - using last data call for Aquila

bisonmap(out, tomap="state")

plot of chunk eleven

Constrain search with county IDs or bounding boxes

Constrain search to a certain county.

Check out this site to get state and county fips codes. Fips codes are like so: First two digits are the state code - last three are the county code. For example the 06 in 06037 is the state of California, and the 037 is the Los Angeles county.

out <- bison(species="Helianthus annuus", countyFips = "06037")

Inspect summary

#>   occurrences.legend.living occurrences.legend.observation
#> 1                         6                            746
#>   occurrences.legend.centroid occurrences.legend.specimen
#> 1                           1                        3709
#>   occurrences.legend.unknown living observation centroid specimen unknown
#> 1                       1521      6         746        1     3709    1521

By default, the query only returned 10 records

#>                name decimalLongitude decimalLatitude occurrenceID
#> 1 Helianthus annuus        -122.3671        39.01127   1021808881
#> 2 Helianthus annuus        -122.3308        47.60639   1258590900
#> 3 Helianthus annuus        -122.3037        41.35260   1020858079
#> 4 Helianthus annuus        -122.1928        38.82917     40886974
#> 5 Helianthus annuus        -122.1692        37.42722   1022012170
#> 6 Helianthus annuus        -122.1389        39.44917   1021150634
#>                             provider    basis
#> 1  Consortium of California Herbaria Specimen
#> 2          Missouri Botanical Garden Specimen
#> 3  Consortium of California Herbaria Specimen
#> 4 US National Plant Germplasm System  Unknown
#> 5  Consortium of California Herbaria Specimen
#> 6  Consortium of California Herbaria Specimen
#>                                                     common_name geo
#> 1 annual sunflower, sunflower, wild sunflower, common sunflower Yes
#> 2 annual sunflower, sunflower, wild sunflower, common sunflower Yes
#> 3 annual sunflower, sunflower, wild sunflower, common sunflower Yes
#> 4 annual sunflower, sunflower, wild sunflower, common sunflower Yes
#> 5 annual sunflower, sunflower, wild sunflower, common sunflower Yes
#> 6 annual sunflower, sunflower, wild sunflower, common sunflower Yes

Or specify county by its actual name - probably much easier.

out <- bison(species="Helianthus annuus", county = "Los Angeles")

Inspect summary

#>   occurrences.legend.observation occurrences.legend.centroid
#> 1                             24                           1
#>   occurrences.legend.specimen occurrences.legend.unknown observation
#> 1                          59                          6          24
#>   centroid specimen unknown
#> 1        1       59       6

By default, the query only returned 10 records

#>                name decimalLongitude decimalLatitude occurrenceID
#> 1 Helianthus annuus        -118.7203        34.08030   1488148453
#> 2 Helianthus annuus        -118.8517        34.79611     40886955
#> 3 Helianthus annuus        -118.8517        34.79611     40886954
#> 4 Helianthus annuus        -118.8286        34.12916   1132411638
#> 5 Helianthus annuus        -118.8285        34.12966   1132402545
#> 6 Helianthus annuus        -118.7944        34.70194   1021481336
#>                             provider       basis
#> 1                              BISON Observation
#> 2 US National Plant Germplasm System     Unknown
#> 3 US National Plant Germplasm System     Unknown
#> 4                    iNaturalist.org Observation
#> 5                    iNaturalist.org Observation
#> 6  Consortium of California Herbaria    Specimen
#>                                                     common_name geo
#> 1 annual sunflower, sunflower, wild sunflower, common sunflower Yes
#> 2 annual sunflower, sunflower, wild sunflower, common sunflower Yes
#> 3 annual sunflower, sunflower, wild sunflower, common sunflower Yes
#> 4 annual sunflower, sunflower, wild sunflower, common sunflower Yes
#> 5 annual sunflower, sunflower, wild sunflower, common sunflower Yes
#> 6 annual sunflower, sunflower, wild sunflower, common sunflower Yes

bison will help you if you spell the name wrong, or use a partial name. The results are not printed below, but you would get a prompt asking you to pick between the two counties that start with Los.

bison(species="Helianthus annuus", county = "Los")

Constrain search to a amorphous area.

Check out the Wikipedia page here for an in depth look at the options, terminology, etc.

out <- bison(species="Helianthus annuus", aoi = "POLYGON((-111.06360117772908 38.84001566645886,-110.80542246679359 39.37707771107983,-110.20117441992392 39.17722368276862,-110.20666758398464 38.90844075244811,-110.63513438085685 38.67724220095734,-111.06360117772908 38.84001566645886))")

Inspect summary

#>   occurrences.legend.centroid occurrences.legend.specimen centroid
#> 1                           1                           1        1
#>   specimen
#> 1        1

The data

#>                name decimalLongitude decimalLatitude occurrenceID provider
#> 1 Helianthus annuus        -110.7211        39.00903   1419799586    BISON
#>      basis                                                   common_name
#> 1 Specimen annual sunflower, sunflower, wild sunflower, common sunflower
#>   geo
#> 1 Yes

Constrain search to a certain aoibbox.

An aoibbox uses the format minx, miny, maxx, maxy.

out <- bison(species="Helianthus annuus", aoibbox = '-120.31,35.81,-110.57,40.21')

Inspect summary

#>   occurrences.legend.observation occurrences.legend.centroid
#> 1                             43                           1
#>   occurrences.legend.specimen occurrences.legend.unknown observation
#> 1                          92                         72          43
#>   centroid specimen unknown
#> 1        1       92      72

The data, by default, the query only returned 10 records

#>                name decimalLongitude decimalLatitude occurrenceID provider
#> 1 Helianthus annuus        -113.7000        36.40001   1429539601    BISON
#> 2 Helianthus annuus        -119.7417        36.94192   1493585452    BISON
#> 3 Helianthus annuus        -111.4509        37.83162   1475891938    BISON
#> 4 Helianthus annuus        -111.4509        37.83162   1475891939    BISON
#> 5 Helianthus annuus        -111.7549        37.12521   1475815079    BISON
#> 6 Helianthus annuus        -111.7549        37.12521   1475815080    BISON
#>         basis
#> 1 Observation
#> 2 Observation
#> 3 Observation
#> 4 Observation
#> 5 Observation
#> 6 Observation
#>                                                     common_name geo
#> 1 annual sunflower, sunflower, wild sunflower, common sunflower Yes
#> 2 annual sunflower, sunflower, wild sunflower, common sunflower Yes
#> 3 annual sunflower, sunflower, wild sunflower, common sunflower Yes
#> 4 annual sunflower, sunflower, wild sunflower, common sunflower Yes
#> 5 annual sunflower, sunflower, wild sunflower, common sunflower Yes
#> 6 annual sunflower, sunflower, wild sunflower, common sunflower Yes


To cite rbison in publications use:

Scott Chamberlain (2017). rbison: Interface to the ‘USGS’ ‘BISON’ ‘API’. R package version 0.5.4. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=rbison

License and bugs

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