rebird tutorial

for v0.4.0

A programmatic interface to the eBird database. Find out more about eBird at their website.


You can install the stable version from CRAN


Or the development version from Github


Then load the package into the R sesssion



Sightings at location determined by latitude/longitude

Search for bird occurrences by latitude and longitude point

ebirdgeo(species = 'spinus tristis', lat = 42, lng = -76)
#> # A tibble: 20 x 11
#>          lng
#>        <dbl>
#>  1 -76.05834
#>  2 -75.96821
#>  3 -75.83381
#>  4 -76.09052
#>  5 -75.98258
#>  6 -75.97672
#>  7 -75.95513
#>  8 -75.88343
#>  9 -75.99768
#> 10 -75.89515
#> 11 -75.95105
#> 12 -75.89231
#> 13 -76.01368
#> 14 -75.95690
#> 15 -75.96305
#> 16 -75.90261
#> 17 -75.91839
#> 18 -75.80182
#> 19 -75.86727
#> 20 -75.90484
#> # ... with 10 more variables: locName <chr>, howMany <int>, sciName <chr>,
#> #   obsValid <lgl>, locationPrivate <lgl>, obsDt <chr>, obsReviewed <lgl>,
#> #   comName <chr>, lat <dbl>, locID <chr>

Same, but with additional parameter settings, returning only 10 records, including provisional records, and hotspot records.

ebirdgeo(lat = 42, lng = -76, max = 10, includeProvisional = TRUE, hotspot = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 10 x 11
#>          lng                               locName howMany
#>        <dbl>                                 <chr>   <int>
#>  1 -75.88152                           Boland Pond       6
#>  2 -75.88152                           Boland Pond      80
#>  3 -75.88152                           Boland Pond      10
#>  4 -75.88152                           Boland Pond       7
#>  5 -75.88152                           Boland Pond      38
#>  6 -75.88152                           Boland Pond       1
#>  7 -75.88152                           Boland Pond       1
#>  8 -75.96821 Binghamton University Nature Preserve       1
#>  9 -75.96821 Binghamton University Nature Preserve       4
#> 10 -75.96821 Binghamton University Nature Preserve      20
#> # ... with 8 more variables: sciName <chr>, obsValid <lgl>,
#> #   locationPrivate <lgl>, obsDt <chr>, obsReviewed <lgl>, comName <chr>,
#> #   lat <dbl>, locID <chr>

Recent sightings frm location IDs

Search for bird occurrences for two locations by their IDs

ebirdloc(locID = c('L99381','L99382'))
#> # A tibble: 108 x 11
#>          lng      locName howMany                   sciName obsValid
#>        <dbl>        <chr>   <int>                     <chr>    <lgl>
#>  1 -76.50546 Stewart Park     200         Branta canadensis     TRUE
#>  2 -76.50546 Stewart Park       2        Anas platyrhynchos     TRUE
#>  3 -76.50546 Stewart Park       5   Melanitta perspicillata     TRUE
#>  4 -76.50546 Stewart Park       1        Oxyura jamaicensis     TRUE
#>  5 -76.50546 Stewart Park     100     Phalacrocorax auritus     TRUE
#>  6 -76.50546 Stewart Park     150        Larus delawarensis     TRUE
#>  7 -76.50546 Stewart Park       1          Larus argentatus     TRUE
#>  8 -76.50546 Stewart Park       2             Larus marinus     TRUE
#>  9 -76.50546 Stewart Park       2 Anser sp. (Domestic type)     TRUE
#> 10 -76.50546 Stewart Park       1             Aythya marila     TRUE
#> # ... with 98 more rows, and 6 more variables: locationPrivate <lgl>,
#> #   obsDt <chr>, obsReviewed <lgl>, comName <chr>, lat <dbl>, locID <chr>

Search by location ID and species name, as well as some additional parameter settings

ebirdloc(locID = 'L99381', species = 'larus delawarensis', max = 10, provisional = TRUE, hotspot=TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 1 x 11
#>         lng      locName howMany            sciName obsValid
#>       <dbl>        <chr>   <int>              <chr>    <lgl>
#> 1 -76.50546 Stewart Park     150 Larus delawarensis     TRUE
#> # ... with 6 more variables: locationPrivate <lgl>, obsDt <chr>,
#> #   obsReviewed <lgl>, comName <chr>, lat <dbl>, locID <chr>

Recent observations at a region

Search for bird occurrences by region and species name

ebirdregion(region = 'US', species = 'Setophaga caerulescens')
#> # A tibble: 932 x 11
#>          lng                                               locName howMany
#>        <dbl>                                                 <chr>   <int>
#>  1 -83.02266                                           SW 153rd Ct       1
#>  2 -81.41950                     US-Florida-Longwood-W Hornbeam Dr       1
#>  3 -79.09746                                    Briar Chapel Trail       1
#>  4 -81.50596 543 Union Road, Naples, Florida, US (25.972, -81.506)       1
#>  5 -81.24840                                    Green Springs Park       1
#>  6 -74.96083                         Cape Island--Higbee Beach WMA       1
#>  7 -82.83691                 Clemson University/SCDNR--Cherry Farm       1
#>  8 -73.96957                              Central Park--The Ramble       1
#>  9 -74.87466                                              New Road       1
#> 10 -74.91712              Cape Island--Cape May--Convention Center       1
#> # ... with 922 more rows, and 8 more variables: sciName <chr>,
#> #   obsValid <lgl>, locationPrivate <lgl>, obsDt <chr>, obsReviewed <lgl>,
#> #   comName <chr>, lat <dbl>, locID <chr>

Search by location ID and species name, as well as some additional parameter settings. Note that we use US-OH to represent Ohio within the US. See possible region values.

ebirdregion(region = 'US-OH', max = 10, provisional = TRUE, hotspot = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 10 x 11
#>          lng            locName howMany               sciName obsValid
#>        <dbl>              <chr>   <int>                 <chr>    <lgl>
#>  1 -81.58932 Lake View Cemetery      12    Turdus migratorius     TRUE
#>  2 -81.58932 Lake View Cemetery       1      Zenaida macroura     TRUE
#>  3 -81.58932 Lake View Cemetery      15    Anas platyrhynchos     TRUE
#>  4 -81.58932 Lake View Cemetery       1  Haemorhous mexicanus     TRUE
#>  5 -81.58932 Lake View Cemetery      10       Regulus satrapa     TRUE
#>  6 -81.58932 Lake View Cemetery       2           Anas crecca     TRUE
#>  7 -81.58932 Lake View Cemetery       1      Sturnus vulgaris     TRUE
#>  8 -81.58932 Lake View Cemetery       1 Phalacrocorax auritus     TRUE
#>  9 -81.58932 Lake View Cemetery      45     Branta canadensis     TRUE
#> 10 -81.58932 Lake View Cemetery       4   Cyanocitta cristata     TRUE
#> # ... with 6 more variables: locationPrivate <lgl>, obsDt <chr>,
#> #   obsReviewed <lgl>, comName <chr>, lat <dbl>, locID <chr>

Recent observations at hotspots

Search for bird occurrences by region and species name

ebirdhotspot(locID = c('L99381','L99382'), species = 'larus delawarensis')
#> # A tibble: 2 x 11
#>         lng                                      locName howMany
#>       <dbl>                                        <chr>   <int>
#> 1 -76.50546                                 Stewart Park     150
#> 2 -76.51902 Hog Hole (Allan H. Treman State Marine Park)      70
#> # ... with 8 more variables: sciName <chr>, obsValid <lgl>,
#> #   locationPrivate <lgl>, obsDt <chr>, obsReviewed <lgl>, comName <chr>,
#> #   lat <dbl>, locID <chr>

Frequency of observations at hotspots or regions

Obtain historical frequencies of bird occurrences at a given hotspot

ebirdfreq(loctype = 'hotspots', loc = 'L196159')
#> # A tibble: 8,880 x 4
#>                        comName   monthQt frequency sampleSize
#>                          <chr>     <chr>     <dbl>      <dbl>
#>  1                  Snow Goose January-1 0.0000000         26
#>  2 Greater White-fronted Goose January-1 0.0000000         26
#>  3              Cackling Goose January-1 0.0000000         26
#>  4                Canada Goose January-1 0.0000000         26
#>  5       Cackling/Canada Goose January-1 0.0000000         26
#>  6              Trumpeter Swan January-1 0.0000000         26
#>  7                   Wood Duck January-1 0.1538462         26
#>  8            Blue-winged Teal January-1 0.0000000         26
#>  9   Blue-winged/Cinnamon Teal January-1 0.0000000         26
#> 10           Northern Shoveler January-1 0.6923077         26
#> # ... with 8,870 more rows

Same, but in wide format (for making bar charts)

ebirdfreq(loctype = 'hotspots', loc = 'L196159', long = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 186 x 49
#>                        comName `January-1` `January-2` `January-3`
#>                          <chr>       <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>
#>  1                Sample Size:  26.0000000          25     35.0000
#>  2                  Snow Goose   0.0000000           0      0.0000
#>  3 Greater White-fronted Goose   0.0000000           0      0.0000
#>  4              Cackling Goose   0.0000000           0      0.0000
#>  5                Canada Goose   0.0000000           0      0.0015
#>  6       Cackling/Canada Goose   0.0000000           0      0.0000
#>  7              Trumpeter Swan   0.0000000           0      0.0000
#>  8                   Wood Duck   0.1538462           0      0.0000
#>  9            Blue-winged Teal   0.0000000           0      0.0000
#> 10   Blue-winged/Cinnamon Teal   0.0000000           0      0.0000
#> # ... with 176 more rows, and 45 more variables: `January-4` <dbl>,
#> #   `February-1` <dbl>, `February-2` <dbl>, `February-3` <dbl>,
#> #   `February-4` <dbl>, `March-1` <dbl>, `March-2` <dbl>, `March-3` <dbl>,
#> #   `March-4` <dbl>, `April-1` <dbl>, `April-2` <dbl>, `April-3` <dbl>,
#> #   `April-4` <dbl>, `May-1` <dbl>, `May-2` <dbl>, `May-3` <dbl>,
#> #   `May-4` <dbl>, `June-1` <dbl>, `June-2` <dbl>, `June-3` <dbl>,
#> #   `June-4` <dbl>, `July-1` <dbl>, `July-2` <dbl>, `July-3` <dbl>,
#> #   `July-4` <dbl>, `August-1` <dbl>, `August-2` <dbl>, `August-3` <dbl>,
#> #   `August-4` <dbl>, `September-1` <dbl>, `September-2` <dbl>,
#> #   `September-3` <dbl>, `September-4` <dbl>, `October-1` <dbl>,
#> #   `October-2` <dbl>, `October-3` <dbl>, `October-4` <dbl>,
#> #   `November-1` <dbl>, `November-2` <dbl>, `November-3` <dbl>,
#> #   `November-4` <dbl>, `December-1` <dbl>, `December-2` <dbl>,
#> #   `December-3` <dbl>, `December-4` <dbl>

Obtain frequency data for a given state

ebirdfreq(loctype = 'states', loc = 'CA-BC')
#> # A tibble: 34,560 x 4
#>                                          comName   monthQt    frequency
#>                                            <chr>     <chr>        <dbl>
#>  1                        Fulvous Whistling-Duck January-1 0.0000000000
#>  2                                 Emperor Goose January-1 0.0000000000
#>  3                                    Snow Goose January-1 0.0279534963
#>  4                                  Ross's Goose January-1 0.0000000000
#>  5                  Snow x Ross's Goose (hybrid) January-1 0.0000000000
#>  6                             Snow/Ross's Goose January-1 0.0000000000
#>  7                    Swan Goose (Domestic type) January-1 0.0000854847
#>  8 Graylag x Swan Goose (Domestic type) (hybrid) January-1 0.0000000000
#>  9                   Greater White-fronted Goose January-1 0.0078645922
#> 10                             Pink-footed Goose January-1 0.0000000000
#> # ... with 34,550 more rows, and 1 more variables: sampleSize <dbl>

Or county

ebirdfreq(loctype = 'counties', loc = 'CA-BC-GV')
#> # A tibble: 23,808 x 4
#>                               comName   monthQt   frequency sampleSize
#>                                 <chr>     <chr>       <dbl>      <dbl>
#>  1                      Emperor Goose January-1 0.000000000       3895
#>  2                         Snow Goose January-1 0.063414634       3895
#>  3                       Ross's Goose January-1 0.000000000       3895
#>  4                  Snow/Ross's Goose January-1 0.000000000       3895
#>  5        Greater White-fronted Goose January-1 0.005905006       3895
#>  6 Domestic goose sp. (Domestic type) January-1 0.000000000       3895
#>  7                              Brant January-1 0.023620026       3895
#>  8                     Cackling Goose January-1 0.012836970       3895
#>  9                       Canada Goose January-1 0.201026958       3895
#> 10    Graylag x Canada Goose (hybrid) January-1 0.000000000       3895
#> # ... with 23,798 more rows

Obtain frequency data within a range of years and months

ebirdfreq(loctype = 'hotspots', loc = 'L196159', startyear = 2010,
          endyear = 2014, startmonth = 1, endmonth = 3)
#> # A tibble: 3,792 x 4
#>                                comName   monthQt frequency sampleSize
#>                                  <chr>     <chr>     <dbl>      <dbl>
#>  1                        Canada Goose January-1       0.0         10
#>  2                           Wood Duck January-1       0.4         10
#>  3                   Northern Shoveler January-1       0.8         10
#>  4                             Gadwall January-1       0.0         10
#>  5                     Eurasian Wigeon January-1       0.4         10
#>  6                     American Wigeon January-1       1.0         10
#>  7 Eurasian x American Wigeon (hybrid) January-1       0.0         10
#>  8                             Mallard January-1       1.0         10
#>  9                    Northern Pintail January-1       0.0         10
#> 10                   Green-winged Teal January-1       0.0         10
#> # ... with 3,782 more rows

Recent notable sightings

Search for notable sightings at a given latitude and longitude

ebirdnotable(lat = 42, lng = -70)
#> # A tibble: 1,059 x 11
#>          lng
#>        <dbl>
#>  1 -72.49699
#>  2 -72.49699
#>  3 -71.26230
#>  4 -70.98485
#>  5 -70.71425
#>  6 -70.71425
#>  7 -70.71425
#>  8 -71.25293
#>  9 -71.25293
#> 10 -72.55930
#> # ... with 1,049 more rows, and 10 more variables: locName <chr>,
#> #   howMany <int>, sciName <chr>, obsValid <lgl>, locationPrivate <lgl>,
#> #   obsDt <chr>, obsReviewed <lgl>, comName <chr>, lat <dbl>, locID <chr>

eBird taxonomy

Returns a data.frame of all species in the eBird taxonomy for the given parameter inputs

#> # A tibble: 10,550 x 9
#>    speciesCode comNameCodes bandingCodes                comName category
#>          <chr>        <chr>        <chr>                  <chr>    <chr>
#>  1     ostric2         COOS         <NA>         Common Ostrich  species
#>  2     ostric3         SOOS         <NA>         Somali Ostrich  species
#>  3     grerhe1         GRRH         <NA>           Greater Rhea  species
#>  4     lesrhe2         LERH         <NA>            Lesser Rhea  species
#>  5     tabtin1         TBTI         <NA> Tawny-breasted Tinamou  species
#>  6     higtin1         <NA>         HITI       Highland Tinamou  species
#>  7     hootin1         HOTI         <NA>         Hooded Tinamou  species
#>  8     grytin1         GRTI         <NA>           Gray Tinamou  species
#>  9     soltin1         SOTI         <NA>       Solitary Tinamou  species
#> 10     blatin1         BLTI         <NA>          Black Tinamou  species
#> # ... with 10,540 more rows, and 4 more variables: sciName <chr>,
#> #   sciNameCodes <chr>, taxonID <chr>, taxonOrder <dbl>

Search for hybrid species only

#> # A tibble: 382 x 9
#>    speciesCode        comNameCodes bandingCodes
#>          <chr>               <chr>        <chr>
#>  1      x00721 WFDU,SWDU,WFWD,SPWD         <NA>
#>  2      x00775           BBWD,WIWD         <NA>
#>  3      x00875 BBWD,FUDU,FUWD,FWDU         <NA>
#>  4     sxrgoo1           ROGO,SNGO         SRGH
#>  5      x00776                GRGO         <NA>
#>  6      x00755           GWFG,BHGO         <NA>
#>  7      x00627           GWFG,SNGO         <NA>
#>  8      x00685      BRGO,SNGO,BRAN         <NA>
#>  9      x00756      BAGO,BARG,PFGO         <NA>
#> 10      x00757      BAGO,BARG,GWFG         <NA>
#> # ... with 372 more rows, and 6 more variables: comName <chr>,
#> #   category <chr>, sciName <chr>, sciNameCodes <chr>, taxonID <chr>,
#> #   taxonOrder <dbl>

Check eBird region

Check if region is valid in eBird database

ebirdregioncheck(loctype = 'counties', loc = 'CA-BC-GV')
#> [1] TRUE


To cite rebird in publications use:

Rafael Maia, Scott Chamberlain, Andy Teucher and Sebastian Pardo (2017). rebird: R Client for the eBird Database of Bird Observations. R package version 0.4.0.

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