Unconf 2017: The Roads Not Taken – Noam Ross
emldown - From machine readable EML metadata to a pretty documentation website – Maëlle Salmon | Andrew MacDonald | Kara Woo | Carl Boettiger | Jeff Hollister
notary - Signing & Verification of R Packages – Rich FitzJohn | Os Keyes | Stephanie Locke | Jeroen Ooms | Bob Rudis
skimr for useful and tidy summary statistics – Eduardo Arino de la Rubia | Shannon E. Ellis | Julia Stewart Lowndes | Hope McLeod | Amelia McNamara | Michael Quinn | Elin Waring | Hao Zhu
Launching webrockets at runconf17 – Alicia Schep | Miles McBain
packagemetrics - Helping you choose a package since runconf17 – Becca Krouse | Erin Grand | Hannah Frick | Lori Shepherd | Sam Firke | William Ampeh
Hey! You there! You are welcome here – Shannon E. Ellis
Tackling the Research Compendium at runconf17 – Noam Ross | Alice Daish | Laura DeCicco | Molly Lewis | Nistara Randhawa | Jennifer Thompson | Nicholas Tierney
Unconf projects 5: mwparser, Gargle, arresteddev – Karthik Ram
Unconf projects 4: cityquant, notary, packagemetrics, pegax – Scott Chamberlain
Unconf projects 2: checkers, gramr, data-packages, exploRingJSON – Scott Chamberlain
Unconf projects 1: skimr, emldown, testrmd, webrockets – Karthik Ram
Bringing Together People and Projects at Unconf17 – Stefanie Butland
Apply to attend rOpenSci unconf 2017! – Stefanie Butland