Community Call: Research Applications of rOpenSci Taxonomy and Biodiversity Tools
March 27, 2019
Helping people learn about rOpenSci’s packages to access and analyze taxonomy and biodiversity data, and to recognize the breadth and depth of their applications. Presentations will start with an introduction and details on some specific packages and we’ll hear from several people about their “use cases in the wild”.
- Announcement blog post
- Collaborative notes
- Scott Chamberlain's slides on biodiversity & taxonomy software tools @ rOpenSci
- Zachary Foster's code examples with rgbif, taxa, metacoder
- Margaret Siple's slides on her seafood mislabelling use case
- Margaret Siple's code example using taxize to get taxonomic information
- Kathryn Turner's slides on using rgbif to get a little or a lot of occurrence data
- Kathryn Turner's code example to get occurence data
- Kari Norman's link to taxadb
- Ciera Martinez's Cabinet of Curiosity on GitHub with work on biodiversity data and tools
- Ciera Martinez's Cabinet of Curiosity website, exploring the data of natural history