Use cases as an interface to tool discovery

September 10, 2013

By:   Scott Chamberlain

Good discovery tools for sotware are important as they can facilitate the pace of software development, bugs are found and squashed and new features added more quickly, and users find software they need faster. We have a page on our website for our packages that provides an overview of the packages we have, with descriptions and links. Two other ways to discover things include A gallery of examples, or use cases, in which the entry point is something someone would want to do.


Working with climate data from the web in R

August 18, 2013

By:   Scott Chamberlain

I recently attended ScienceOnline Climate, a conference in Washington, D.C. at AAAS. You may have heard of the ScienceOnline annual meeting in North Carolina - this was one of their topical meetings focused on Climate Change. I moderated a session on working with data from the web in R, focusing on climate data. Search Twitter for #scioClimate for tweets from the conference, and #sciordata for tweets from the session I ran.

NOAA climate sparklines

August 5, 2013

By:   Scott Chamberlain

We have started a new R package interacting with NOAA climate data called rnoaa. You can find our package in development here and documentation for NOAA web services here. It is still early days for this package, but we wanted to demo what you can do with the package. In this example, we search for stations that collect climate data, then get the data for those stations, pull out only the precipitation data, then get latitude/longitude coordinates for each station, and plot data on a map.

Consuming article-level metrics

August 1, 2013

By:   Scott Chamberlain

We recently had a paper come out in a special issue on article-level metrics in the journal Information Standards Quarterly. Our paper basically compared article-level metrics provided by different aggregators. The other papers covered various article-level metrics topics from folks at PLOS, Mendeley, and more. Get our paper. To get data from the article-level metrics providers we used one R package we created to get DOIs for PLOS articles (rplos) and three R packages we created to get metrics: alm, rImpactStory, and rAltmetric.

Overlaying climate data with species occurrence data

July 29, 2013

By:   Ted Hart

One of our primary goals at ROpenSci is to wrap as many science API’s as possible. While each package can be used as a standalone interface, there’s lots of ways our packages can overlap and complement each other. Sure He-Man usually rode Battle Cat, but there’s no reason he couldn’t ride a my little pony sometimes too. That’s the case with our packages for GBIF and the worldbank climate data api.

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