Altmetrics workshop recap

October 15, 2013

By:   Scott Chamberlain

I attended the recent ALM Workshop 2013 and data challenge hosted by Public Library of Science (PLOS) in San Francisco. The workshop covered various issues having to do with altmetrics, or article-level metrics (ALM). The same workshop last year definitely had a feeling of we don’t know x, y, and z, while the workshop this year felt like we know a lot more. There were many great talks - you can see the list of speakers here.

Guide to using rOpenSci packages during the US Gov't shutdown

October 8, 2013

By:   Scott Chamberlain

With the US government shut down, many of the federal government provided data APIs are down. We write R packages to interact with many of these APIs. We have been tweeting about what APIs that are down related to R pacakges we make, but we thought we would write up a proper blog post on the issue. NCBI services are still up! NCBI is within NIH, which is within the Department of Health and Human Services.

A new tutorials setup

October 3, 2013

By:   Scott Chamberlain

To help you use rOpenSci packages we put tutorials up on our site at /tutorials. Up to now, we created them with combination of raw html + converting code blocks to html and inserting them, etc. – it was a slow process to update them when changes happened in our packages. So we thought of a better plan… Recently CRAN started accepting R package vignettes (basically, tutorials built in to packages) in R Markdown format.

Web Technologies and Services taskview is up on CRAN

October 3, 2013

By:   Scott Chamberlain

Just a quick note that the Task View we have been working on with others Web Technologies and Services is up on CRAN now. Find it here This is the first version - there are definitely changes to come. Changes are being suggested as I write this on Twitter… The draft version of the task view is on Github here if you want to file an issue. We use many packages to do stuff with the web like XML, RCurl, httr, RJSONIO, etc.

A task view for interacting with the web from R

September 11, 2013

By:   Scott Chamberlain

There is an increasing set of R packages for interacting with the web from R, whether it be the low level tools to interact with the web via http (see RCurl and httr), parsing data from the web (like RJSONIO and XML), or wrappers to web APIs that provide data (like twitteR). Most of you probably know about CRAN Task Views that aggregate information about R packages and functions on a particular subject area into a simple web page.


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