Database interfaces

May 20, 2015

By:   Scott Chamberlain

There are many different databases. The most familiar are row-column SQL databases like MySQL, SQLite, or PostgreSQL. Another type of database is the key-value store, which as a concept is very simple: you save a value specified by a key, and you can retrieve a value by its key. One more type is the document database, which instead of storing rows and columns, stores blobs of text or even binary files.

Introducing a Wishlist for Scientific R Packages

March 10, 2015

By:   Os Keyes

There are two things that make R such a wonderful programming environment - the vast number of packages to access, process and interpret data, and the enthusiastic individuals and subcommunities (of which rOpenSci is a great example). One, of course, flows from the other: R programmers write R packages to provide language users with more features, which makes everyone’s jobs easier and (hopefully!) attracts more users and more contributions. But what if you have an idea, or a need, but not the time or confidence to write a package for it?

Curling - exploring web request options

December 18, 2014

By:   Scott Chamberlain

rOpenSci specializes in creating R libraries for accessing data resources on the web from R. Most times you request data from the web in R with our packages, you should have no problem. However, you evenutally will run into problems. In addition, there are advanced things you can do modifying requests to web resources that fall in the advanced stuff category. Underlying almost all of our packages are requests to web resources served over the http protocol via curl.

Community calls

December 15, 2014

By:   Scott Chamberlain

Key to the success of rOpenSci is our community and we want to hear more regularly from our members, and foster new interactions among the group. In addition, community calls are a way for us to give important updates, and get feedback on them. We tentatively plan on doing community calls once per month. The format of rOpenSci community calls could be of various types. We could have community members show off software they’ve been working on, or users demo use cases.

Growth of open data in biology

November 10, 2014

By:   Scott Chamberlain

Why open data growth At rOpenSci we try to make it easier for people to use open data and contribute open data to the community. The question often arises: How much open data do we have? Another angle on this topic is: How much is open data growing? We provide access to dozens of data respositories through our various packages. We asked many of them to share numbers on the amount of data they have, and if possible, growth of their data holdings through time.

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