Chat with the rOpenSci team at upcoming meetings

November 9, 2016

By:   Stefanie Butland

You can find members of the rOpenSci team at various meetings and workshops around the world. Come say ‘hi’, learn about how our packages can enable your research, or about our onboarding process for contributing new packages, discuss software sustainability or tell us how we can help you do open and reproducible research.

Community Call v12 - How do I create a code of conduct for my event/lab/codebase?

October 31, 2016

By:   Stefanie Butland

In order to facilitate a transformation towards open and reproducible research, rOpenSci is building and improving not only the technical infrastructure, but the social infrastructure as well. To support this, occasionally a Community Call will focus on a topic that reflects the values of rOpenSci. The first of these, on Thursday, December 15th, 8-9 AM PST, will be on “How do I create a code of conduct for my event/lab/codebase?".

Greetings from Your Community Manager!

October 12, 2016

By:   Stefanie Butland

I feel both proud and privileged to join rOpenSci as your Community Manager. I’ve been a compulsive community builder since the early 2000’s, but it has rarely been part of my job description. Now it seems like all roads have led to this. After a couple of fine days of indoctrination at the UC Berkeley home of rOpenSci, I’m settled into work in beautiful Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada. So much of my perspective of rOpenSci comes from being a newcomer.

Postdoctoral Scholar – Sustainable Software and Reproducible Research

September 7, 2016

By:   Karthik Ram

The rOpenSci project based at the University of California, Berkeley seeks to hire a postdoctoral scholar to work on the research activities funded by the grant titled “Fostering the next generation of sustainable software and reproducible research practices in the scientific community”. The project develops open source software to promote reproducible research practices in the scientific community. The postdoctoral scholar will focus on a research topic aligned with their own interests in order to better understand and improve scientific software practices.

Advanced Image-Processing in R with Magick, Part I

August 23, 2016

By:   Jeroen Ooms

The new magick package is an ambitious effort to modernize and simplify high-quality image processing in R. It wraps the ImageMagick STL which is perhaps the most comprehensive open-source image processing library available today. The ImageMagick library has an overwhelming amount of functionality. The current version of Magick exposes a decent chunk of it, but being a first release, documentation is still sparse. This post briefly introduces the most important concepts to get started.

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