2 Months in 2 Minutes - rOpenSci News, February 2020

  Stefanie Butland

February 20, 2020

rOpenSci HQ

  • On behalf of rOpenSci, thank you to everyone who has contributed their creativity, curiosity, smarts, and time in the last year. Read our Thank You, 2019.

Software Peer Review

3 community-contributed packages passed software peer review.

osfr - R Interface to OSF. Author: Aaron Wolen; Reviewers: Heidi Seibold, Carl Boettiger; Read the Review

Rclean - A Tool for Writing Cleaner, More Transparent Code. Author: Matthew Lau; Reviewers: Will Landau, Clemens Schmid; Read the Review

taxadb - A High-Performance Local Taxonomic Database Interface. Author: Kari Norman; Reviewers: Margaret Siple, Lindsay Platt; Read the Review

Consider submitting your package or volunteering to review.



2 new packages from the community and our staff are on CRAN.

On the Blog

From the rOpenSci team

From the community

group photo of 40 participants at OzUnconf19

Photo by Steph Stammel


Use Cases

  • 49 published works cited or used rOpenSci software (listed in individual newsletters)
  • 5 use cases for our packages or resources were posted in our discussion forum Look for lawn, osmdata, pdftools, refsplitr, rnoaa, tabulizer.

Have you used an rOpenSci package? Share your use case and we’ll tweet about it.

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newsletter R taxadb Rclean osfr crevents babette refsplitr osmdata pdftools tabulizer rnoaa lawn ozunconf19 ozunconf unconf