taxadb: A High-Performance Local Taxonomic Database Interface

  Kari Norman

February 13, 2020

Dealing with taxonomic inconsistencies within and across datasets is a fundamental challenge of ecology and evolutionary biology. Accounting for species synonyms, taxa splitting and unification is especially important as aggregation of data across time and different data sources becomes increasingly common. One potentially powerful approach for addressing these issues is to resolve scientific names to taxonomic identifiers that follow a consistent taxonomic concept. In such a workflow, data from one of the many taxonomic providers (e.g. Integrated Taxonomic Information System 1, Catalogue of Life 2, National Center for Biological Information 3) is integrated with biodiversity datasets to identify an accepted ID for each name. Multiple tools exist to facilitate this workflow, including R’s taxize package 4, which provides an API interface to taxonomic databases. However, due to the nature of API queries which are slow, limited in scope, and dependent on the current state of the database, it remains difficult to resolve names to a taxonomic authority in quick, reproducible way. taxadb seeks to address these issues using a new approach for interfacing with taxonomic data via a local database of taxonomic providers.

The goal of this post is to illustrate the ease with which taxadb can be integrated into existing data munging workflows, as well as give a taste for the variety of other exploratory question that are facilitated by the database backend infrastructure.

Database backend

taxadb is built around a local database of taxonomic data from seven of the largest taxonomic providers. The tables of this database are standardized across providers and include information on accepted ID’s, synonym mappings, and common names when available. The database is accessible by the user through a variety of database backends. Using a local database interface allows not only for quick queries to retrieve taxon ID’s, but also queries across the whole-database. As taxonomic providers are constantly updating their data, databases will be time stamped and archived allowing for user selection of the desired release for reproducible results.

taxadb framework

taxadb has three main families of functions:

  • queries that return vectors: get_ids() and it’s complement, get_names(),
  • queries that filter the underlying taxonomic data frames: filter_name(), filter_rank(), filter_id(), and filter_common(),
  • database functions td_create(), td_connect() and taxa_tbl()

Query functions will trigger the automatic one-time set up of the local database for the chosen provider, but set up can also be triggered manually by td_create() for one or all providers.

taxadb workflow

taxadb is designed for relatively painless local database setup and easy integration of taxonomic ID’s into existing workflows. For example, the common scenario of merging two different datasets with their own taxonomic approaches, such as matching trait data to data on IUCN status. Here we use snippets of data from the Elton Traits v1.0 database 5 and the IUCN Redlist 6.

status_data <- read_tsv(system.file("extdata", "status_data.tsv", package="taxadb"))
iucn_name category
Pipile pipile CR
Pipile cumanensis LC
Pipile cujubi LC
Pipile jacutinga EN
Megapodius decollatus LC
Scleroptila gutturalis LC
Margaroperdix madagarensis LC
Falcipennis falcipennis NT
trait_data <- read_tsv(system.file("extdata", "trait_data.tsv", package="taxadb"))
elton_name mass
Aburria pipile 1816.59
Aburria cumanensis 1239.22
Aburria cujubi 1195.82
Aburria jacutinga 1240.96
Megapodius reinwardt 666.34
Francolinus levalliantoides 376.69
Margaroperdix madagascariensis 245.00
Catreus wallichii 1436.88
Falcipennis falcipennis 685.61
Falcipennis canadensis 473.65

The common approach in this scenario is to simply join by scientific name:

joined <- full_join(trait_data, status_data, by = c("elton_name" = "iucn_name")) 
elton_name mass category
Aburria pipile 1816.59 --
Aburria cumanensis 1239.22 --
Aburria cujubi 1195.82 --
Aburria jacutinga 1240.96 --
Megapodius reinwardt 666.34 --
Francolinus levalliantoides 376.69 --
Margaroperdix madagascariensis 245.00 --
Catreus wallichii 1436.88 --
Falcipennis falcipennis 685.61 NT
Falcipennis canadensis 473.65 --
Pipile pipile -- CR
Pipile cumanensis -- LC
Pipile cujubi -- LC
Pipile jacutinga -- EN
Megapodius decollatus -- LC
Scleroptila gutturalis -- LC
Margaroperdix madagarensis -- LC

This results in only one match between the two datasets, Falcipennis falcipennis. However, if we resolve names first to taxonomic identifiers, which account for synonyms and taxonomic changes, we see a different story.

First we get ID’s for each dataset:

traits <- trait_data %>% mutate(id = get_ids(elton_name, "col"))
status <- status_data %>% mutate(id = get_ids(iucn_name, "col"))

And join on the ID:

joined <- full_join(traits, status, by = "id") 
elton_name iucn_name mass category id
Aburria pipile Pipile pipile 1816.59 CR COL:35517887
Aburria cumanensis Pipile cumanensis 1239.22 LC COL:35537158
Aburria cujubi Pipile cujubi 1195.82 LC COL:35537159
Aburria jacutinga Pipile jacutinga 1240.96 EN COL:35517886
Megapodius reinwardt -- 666.34 -- COL:35521309
Francolinus levalliantoides -- 376.69 -- COL:35518087
Margaroperdix madagascariensis Margaroperdix madagarensis 245.00 LC COL:35521355
Catreus wallichii -- 1436.88 -- COL:35518185
Falcipennis falcipennis Falcipennis falcipennis 685.61 NT COL:35521380
Falcipennis canadensis -- 473.65 -- COL:35521381
-- Megapodius decollatus -- LC COL:35537166
-- Scleroptila gutturalis -- LC --

Now we see that there are many more matches between the datasets than we previously thought. In a workflow without taxonomic identifiers resolving these additional matches would require a significant investment of time as each name would need to be double checked and matched manually.

Database facilitated questions

The local database structure also allows us to ask general questions of the entire database, both across providers or across tables for one provider, that are not possible with the API interface. For example, which provider would be able to resolve the largest number of species names in our dataset?

provider_counts <- trait_data %>%
  select(elton_name) %>%
    gbif = get_ids(elton_name, "gbif"),
    col = get_ids(elton_name, "col"),
    itis = get_ids(elton_name, "itis"),
    ncbi = get_ids(elton_name, "ncbi"),
    wd = get_ids(elton_name, "wd"),
    iucn = get_ids(elton_name, "iucn"),
    ott = get_ids(elton_name, "ott")
  ) %>%
    sum(! %>%
  tibble::enframe("provider", "ID_count")
provider ID_count
gbif 10
col 10
itis 10
ncbi 1
wd 4
iucn 0
ott 10

Or even more generally which bird families have the most species?

bird_families <- filter_rank(name = "Aves", rank = "class", provider = "col") %>%
  filter(taxonomicStatus == "accepted", taxonRank=="species") %>% 
  group_by(family) %>%
  count(sort = TRUE) %>%
family n
Tyrannidae 401
Thraupidae 374
Psittacidae 370
Trochilidae 338
Muscicapidae 314
Columbidae 312

And which species has the most synonyms?

most_synonyms <-
  taxa_tbl("col") %>%
  count(acceptedNameUsageID, sort=TRUE) %>%
  head() %>%
acceptedNameUsageID n
COL:43082445 456
COL:43081989 373
COL:43124375 329
COL:43353659 328
COL:43223150 322
COL:43337824 307
For the provider Catalogue of Life it is COL:43082445, or the mint species _Mentha longifolia_.\ \ In addition to facilitating quick and easy incorporation of taxonomic identifiers into standard research workflows, taxadb provides direct access to the underlying database of taxonomic providers. Users can therefore use familiar syntax to ask important exploratory questions of the providers rather than being dependent upon the kinds of queries allowed by an API. By providing both a simple interface to ID's and the potential for more in depth exploration we hope to encourage improved inclusion and understanding of taxonomic data by the biodiversity community.

For more details on the backend options, providers, and the above examples please see our docs. We also welcome feedback on our manuscript.


taxadb was co-developed by Carl Boettiger. The package was greatly improved by the rOpenSci peer review process and reviewers Margaret Siple and Lindsay Platt.


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  6. IUCN 2019. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2019-3. ↩︎

Software Peer Review R community taxadb data-access data-extraction data-retrieval software packages taxize taxonomy biodiversity databases