Thank You, 2019
We mean it.
On behalf of rOpenSci, thank you to everyone who has contributed their creativity, curiosity, smarts, and time in the last year. We are fortunate to have paid staff who work to build technical and social infrastructure to lower barriers to working with research data. But it is our community, built on trust, that binds us together and helps us see who we are working for.
Many people have submitted their R packages for software peer review (31)1, reviewed those packages (~60), contributed some code or documentation to a package (117 people made their first code contribution to rOpenSci this year), (co-)authored a blog post or tech note about their package or an rOpenSci resource (48 authors), shared a use case to help package authors see how their work is being used and help other users imagine how they can apply it (26 people), attended a Community Call (331 people in 23 countries), cited our software (306 citations of 122 packages), asked or answered questions, explored project ideas, or gave us a generous shoutout in a talk, a post, or on Twitter.
Some people’s volunteer contributions this year warrant a special mention
- Volunteer Editors for Software Peer Review, Brooke Anderson, Anna Krystalli, Lincoln Mullen, Noam Ross, Melina Vidoni
- New maintainers of existing rOpenSci packages, Alyssa Columbus, Julia Gustavsen, Ju Kim, Paula Andrea Martinez, Sina Rüeger, Erik Sapper, Julia Silge, The Flanders Marine Institute
- Presenters in our Community Calls, Carl Boettiger, Emilio Bruna, Ildi Czeller, Rich FitzJohn, Rayna Harris, Anna Krystalli, Will Landau, Steffi LaZerte, Ciera Martinez, Ben Marwick, Kari Norman, Bob Rudis, Margaret Siple, Kathryn Turner, Melina Vidoni
- Code-contributors who responded to our annual report help-wanted request, Ildi Czeller, Sharla Gelfand, Mark Padgham (prior to joining our staff), Mauricio Vargas Sepúlveda
- External member of our Code of Conduct Committee, Kara Woo
- Organizers of the 4th annual ozunconf, Steph Stammel, Emi Tanaka, John Ormerod, Nick Tierney
- rOpenSci Leadership Team, Rich FitzJohn, Carl Boettiger, Jenny Bryan
Thank you all for making rOpenSci.
numbers reported are from Nov 1, 2018 to Oct 31, 2019 ↩︎