Community Call - Reproducible Research with R

  Stefanie Butland

July 11, 2019

Our 1-hour Call on Reproducible Research with R will include three speakers and 20 minutes for Q & A.

Ben Marwick will introduce you to a research compendium, which accompanies, enhances, or is a scientific publication providing data, code, and documentation for reproducing a scientific workflow.

From Karthik Ram you will learn about holepunch, an R package that will take any GitHub repo with R scripts and R markdown files and quickly turn it in into a free, live RStudio server where anyone can run your code!

Anna Krystalli will talk about the ReproHack series of one day reproducibility hackathons where participants try to reproduce papers from published code and data. Find out more about what goes on during the events, some early findings, future directions and how you can get involved!

🎤 See speaker bios below.

Join the Call

🕘 Tuesday, July 30th, 9-10 AM PDT / 5-6 PM BST (☎️ Find details to join the Call. Everyone is welcome. No RSVP needed.

🎥 After the Call, we’ll post the video and collaborative notes on the archive page.


Anna Krystalli

Anna Krystalli is a Research Software Engineer at University of Sheffield and an Associate Editor for rOpenSci Software Peer Review. She has a PhD in Marine Macroecology.

Anna on GitHub, Twitter, Website

Karthik Ram

Karthik Ram is a Senior Research Scientist with the Berkeley Institute for Data Science, Project Lead and Co-founder of rOpenSci, Editor for rOpenSci Software Peer Review. He has a PhD in Ecology and Evolution.

Karthik on GitHub, Twitter, Website

Ben Marwick

Ben Marwick is an Associate Professor of Archaeology at University of Washington. He has a PhD in Archaeology and Natural History.

Ben on GitHub, Twitter, Website

community events community call reproducibility reproducible-research research compendium reprohack holepunch binder R