Chat with rOpenSci Contributors at useR!2019

  Stefanie Butland

July 8, 2019

Three members of the rOpenSci team - Scott Chamberlain, Jenny Bryan, and Rich FitzJohn - as well as many community members will give talks at useR!2019. Many other package authors, maintainers, reviewers and unconf participants will be there too. Don’t hesitate to ask them about rOpenSci packages, software peer review, community, or just say hello if you’re looking for a friendly face.

We’ve listed their talks for you. Search the schedule for details.

Wednesday, July 10

Julia Stewart Lowndes Keynote! R for better science in less time

Thierry Onkelinx git2rdata: storing dataframes in a plain text format suitable for version control

  • git2rdata recently passed software peer review

Robin Lovelace R for Transport Planning

  • Robin’s packages stplanr and stats19 have passed software peer review

Irene Steves Teaching data science with puzzles

Kelly O’Briant Art of the Feature Toggle: Patterns for maintaining and improving Shiny applications over time

Thursday, July 11

Scott Chamberlain HTTP Requests For R Users and Package Developers

  • Scott Chamberlain is Co-founder and Technical Lead of rOpenSci.

Ildi Czeller ropsec: a package for easing operations security for the R user

  • Ildi was an invited speaker for our recent Community Call on Security for R. She has some help wanted issues open for ropsec.

Hannah Frick goodpractice - A Tool for Good Package Development

Jenny Bryan: DRY out your workflow with the usethis package

  • Jenny is a member of our Leadership team.

Rich FitzJohn: Describing and solving differential equations with a new domain specific language, odin

  • Rich is a member of our Leadership team.

Kelly O’Briant Advanced Git Integrations for Automating the Delivery of Reproducible Data Products in R

François Michonneau How a non-profit uses R for its daily operations

  • François’ package rotl passed software peer review

Friday, July 13

Christophe Dervieux Native Chrome Automation using R

Jakub Nowosad and Robin Lovelace How to win friends and write an open-source book

  • Robin’s packages stplanr and stats19 have passed software peer review

Other folks to look for

  • Sina Ruëger is a new maintainer of rsnsps
  • Julia Silge is the new maintainer of qualtRics
  • Najko Jahn’s packages europepmc and roadoi passed software peer review
  • Max Held and Edzer Pebesma have reviewed packages for rOpenSci

Did I forget you? Comment below to let people know they can ask you about rOpenSci.

photo of 50 rOpenSci unconference participants standing facing the camera smiling and waving

R community meetings