Community Call - Working with images in R

  Stefanie Butland

October 24, 2018

rOpenSci’s software engineer / postdoc Jeroen Ooms will explain what images are, under the hood, and showcase several rOpenSci packages that form a modern toolkit for working with images in R, including opencv, av, tesseract, magick and pdftools.

🕘 Thursday, November 15, 2018, 10-11AM PST; 7-8PM CET (find your timezone)

☎️ Find all details for joining the call on our Community Calls page. Everyone is welcome. No RSVP needed.

Magick: quantize, histogram


  1. Welcome (Stefanie Butland, rOpenSci Community Manager, 5 min)
  2. Working with images in R (Jeroen Ooms, 35 min)
  3. Q & A (20 min)


Images in various forms are used for numerous applications across scientific disciplines. Whether you are observing through satellite or microscope, looking at MRI scans or petri dishes, trying to find patterns or abnormalities, the data is in the image. Unfortunately the tools for working with images are traditionally highly fragmented by field, and often narrow in scope. At rOpenSci we are working on a suite of general purpose packages based on powerful c/c++ libraries. These provide an extensible and interoperable foundation for working with images in R, which can be used to implement domain specific-methods. This talk gives a taste of things we can currently do with images in R, and highlights some of the ongoing developments and challenges.


Jeroen Ooms

Jeroen Ooms is a postdoc and software engineer at rOpenSci.

Jeroen on GitHub, Twitter.

community events community call images OCR magick tesseract R