Unconf18 projects 3: jobstatus, motifator, QcodeR, opencv, trackmd

  Maëlle Salmon

June 7, 2018

For day 3 of project recaps from this year’s unconf, here is an overview of the next five projects. Stay tuned for the last recap tomorrow. (Full set of project recaps: recap 1, recap 2, recap 3, recap 4.)

In the spirit of exploration and experimentation at rOpenSci unconferences, these projects are not necessarily finished products or in scope for rOpenSci packages.

Let’s dive into today’s 5 projects in focus!


jobstatus in action

Summary: jobstatus helps keep an eye on how complex and long-running jobs, including jobs running in parallel, are progressing. The maintainers won’t have much time to extend and improve the package so they’d love to have help: if you’re keen please let them know in the issues tracker!

Team: Nick Golding, Mark Padgham, Joe Cheng.

Github: https://github.com/ropenscilabs/jobstatus

jobstatus team

jobstatus team picture by Mauro Lepore.


Summary: motifator is a package aiming at generating spatial motifs that replicate the ones seen in real-world data, without including any potentially identifying information. Potential applications include the analysis of the impact of spatial clustering of different levels of vaccination coverage in a model of infectious disease transmission.

Team: Jon Zelner

Github: https://github.com/ropenscilabs/motifator


QcodeR hex logo

Summary: QcodeR is a lightweight package to conduct qualitative coding i.e. analysis of textual qualitative data such as text from interview transcripts and observation notes, in particular via annotating the text with tags.

QcodeR app coded data tab

Example of QcodeR Shiny app, coded data tab, with the unconf code of conduct.

Team: Elin Waring, Dan Sholler, Jenny Draper, Beth Duckles.

Github: https://github.com/ropenscilabs/QcodeR


Summary: opencv is a package wrapping OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) . Functionalities currently supported by the R package include (live) face recognition and edge detection.

Team: Jeroen Ooms

Github: https://github.com/ropenscilabs/opencv

opencv demo

opencv demo picture by Mauro Lepore.


Summary: trackmd is an RStudio addin for tracking changes in Markdown format, inspired by Critic Markup. Its main feature at this stage is trackmd::trackChanges() that helps one track and view changes while editing a Markdown file.

trackmd in action

Team: Sam Tyner, Zachary Foster.

Github: https://github.com/ropenscilabs/trackmd

Look for the last post featuring unconf18 projects tomorrow!

community meetings unconf unconf18