Our Community Manager Selected for AAAS Community Engagement Fellowship Program

  Stefanie Butland

January 3, 2017

Next week I’ll be in Washington DC to meet my peers in research community management as part of the inaugural class of the AAAS Community Engagement Fellowship Program!

The program, funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, has a mission to improve community building and collaboration in scientific organizations and research collaborations by providing a year of training and support to a cohort of scientific community managers. The Fellowship will begin in January 2017 when we 17 Fellows gather for a week-long training course with leaders in the field at AAAS headquarters. Over the next year we’ll attend monthly webinars, report on our challenges and successes, and attend mid-year and end-of-year meetings.

The cohort has already met online and the dominant theme of discussion has been how much each of us is excited to learn from the others. I’m looking forward to telling them about our unique rOpenSci community and to promoting open research. I encourage you to tell me what you’d like me to share with the other Fellows, tell me about your experience as part of the rOpenSci community, or tell me what you’d like me to figure out in the next year.

If you’re curious about this emerging profession, I recommend this series of blog posts on the highlights of the AAAS survey on the State of Scientific Community Management.

Read more about my peers in the 2017 Fellows cohort.