Chat with the rOpenSci team at upcoming meetings

  Stefanie Butland

November 9, 2016

You can find members of the rOpenSci team at various meetings and workshops around the world. Come say ‘hi’, learn about how our packages can enable your research, or about our onboarding process for contributing new packages, discuss software sustainability or tell us how we can help you do open and reproducible research.

Where’s rOpenSci? November 2016 to February 2017

When Who Where What
Nov 13–18, 2016 Dan Katz Salt Lake City, US SC16
Nov 15–18, 2016 Jenny Bryan New York, US PLOTCON
Nov 30 - Dec 1, 2016 Scott Chamberlain Helsinki, FI Philosophy and History of Open Science
Jan 11–14, 2017 Karthik Ram, Jenny Bryan Kissimmee, US rstudio::conf
Jan 23–25, 2017 Scott Chamberlain Stockholm, SE 1. Open Source Systems in the Public Sector; 2. R in biodiversity analysis: rOpenSci for all
Feb 16–18, 2017 Jenny Bryan Cape Town, SA satRday workshop and conference
Feb 20–22, 2017 Karthik Ram Queenstown, NZ eResearch NZ