Community calls

  Scott Chamberlain

December 15, 2014

Key to the success of rOpenSci is our community and we want to hear more regularly from our members, and foster new interactions among the group. In addition, community calls are a way for us to give important updates, and get feedback on them.

We tentatively plan on doing community calls once per month. The format of rOpenSci community calls could be of various types. We could have community members show off software they’ve been working on, or users demo use cases. Instead, we could focus more on conversations. For this first call, we’ll be doing a combination of demonstration and discussion. We would like to experiment with the call format over the next few months before we decide on one or more approaches that work best.

For our first community call, Ciera Martinez will join us, who will tell us about the recent NESCENT reproducible science hackathon for curriculum and workflow development that she organized (see also this NESCENT page, and #rrhack tweets). We’ll use screen share so she can not only describe, but show off the tools they’ve built.

The 1st meeting agenda:

  1. Recent rOpenSci developments - We’ll go over notable developments in rOpenSci software and community.
  2. rOpenSci hackathon in San Francisco - We’ll be having our 2nd annual US hackathon at GitHub HQ.
  3. NESCENT rrhack - Ciera Martinez - Ciera will present highlights from the rrhack event.
  4. Q/A session - This will be an open Q/A session, where anyone can ask about all things rOpenSci, either on software, community, etc.


After each call, we’ll archive the notes, and they’ll be publicly available.